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“Strategic Spatial Segregation in Silicon Photoelectrodes: Decoupling Catalytic and Optical Functions for High-Efficiency Solar Water Splitting.”
Park, S.†; Seo, D.†; Hong, S.; Kim, G.; Han, Y.; Park, I.;. Lee, S.; Park, M.-J.; Nam, K. M.*; Um, H.-D.*
Small Struct. 2025, Accepted. (Imact factor: 13.9)
“Activity-Drop of Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in LiNO3 based “Hydronium-In-Salt” Acidic Electrolytes on Platinum Enables Electrochemical Nitrate Reduction.”
Park, C, Seo, M. Y.; Kwon, T.; Kim, J.; Nam, K. M.*; Kim, Y.*; Chang, J.*
🔗J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2025, 147, 1, 687–700.
“Thermomechanical and Structural Analysis of WO3 Array for Optimized Photoelectrochemical Chloride Oxidation Performance.”
Jo, S. Y.†; Bae, J. Y.†; Park, J. Y.†; Kim, M. K.; Chae, W.-S.; Kim, Y.-I.*; Nam, K. M.*
🔗 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2024, 16, 40, 54864–54872
“Unlocking the Potential of Bi2S3-Derived Bi Nanoplates: Enhanced Catalytic Activity and Selectivity in Electrochemical and Photoelectrochemical CO2 Reduction to Formate.”
Ma, A.†; Lee, Y.†; Seo, D.†; Kim, J.; Park, S.; Son, J.; Kwon, W.; Nam, D.-H.; Lee, H.; Kim, Y.-I.; Um, H.-D.*; Shin, H.*; Nam, K. M.*
🔗 Adv. Sci. 2024, 2400874. (Imact factor: 15.1)
“Redox-Driven Confinement of Quinone with Imidazole in Sub-Nanometer Sized Porous Carbon Space Mitigating Chemical Degradation for Aqueous Energy Storage.”
Yang, J.†; Park, A.†; Kwon, T.; Lee, Y.; Lee, W. B.; Nam, K. M.*; Kim, Y. J.*; Chang, J.*
🔗 J. Mater. Chem. A 2024, 12, 5778-5792. (Impact factor: 11.9)
“Unlocking the benefits of glassy-like carbon synthesis: Direct immobilization of single Ni sites for robust electrochemical CO2 reduction reaction.”
Seo, D.; Abbas, S. A.; Ma, A.; Kwon, T.; Cho, H.; Kim, M.; Lee, K.-S.; Seo, J. H.; Kwon, J.-H. Lee, H.*; Nam, K. M.*
🔗 J. CO2. Util. 2024, 80, 102677. (Impact factor: 7.7)
“Tailoring Co-catalysts on Si Photocathode for Efficient Photoelectrochemical CO2 Reduction: Recent Progress and Prospect Deposition Methods.”
Seo, D.†; Ma, A.†; Kwon, T.†; Nam, K. M.*
🔗 Inorg. Chem. Front. 2024, 11, 998-1018. (†: equal contribution) (Impact factor: 7.0)
Selected as 2024 Inorg. Chem. Front. Hot articles.
“Real-time observation of phase transition from layered to spinel phase under electron beam irradiation.”
Seo, J. H.; Park, J. Y.; Kim, Y.-I.; Nam, K. M.; Jang, J. H.; Kwon, J.-H.*
🔗 J. Anal. Sci. Technol. 2023, 14-31. (Impact factor: 2.4)
“Chemoselective Nitro Reduction Using Nitrogen-Doped Carbon-Encapsulated Ni Catalyst and Y-Type Packed Bed Column for Continuous Flow Reaction.”
Cao, L.†; Abbas, S. A.†; Jeong, S. H.†; Seo, D.; Nam, K. M.*; Park, J. K.*
🔗 Adv. Synth. Catal. 2023, 365, 2230-2239. (†: equal contribution) (Impact factor: 5.4)
“Synthesis and Characterization of a Highly Reactive and Robust Chlorine-bound Ni Single-atom-catalyst for the Continuous Flow Ring-opening Reaction of Epoxides.”
Abbas, S. A.†; Cao, L.†; Seo, D.; Farah, A. O.; Cheong, P. H.-Y.*; Park, J. K.*; Nam, K. M.*
🔗 ChemCatChem 2023, e202201138. (†: equal contribution) (Impact factor: 4.5)
“Accelerating Photocatalytic Activity by Tailoring Cocatalysts on Polycrystalline Tungsten(VI) Oxide Microplates.”
Baek, S. Y.†; Kim, M. K.†; Jo, S. Y.; Ma, A.; Abbas, S. A.; Park, J. Y.; Nam, K. M.*
🔗 ChemPhotoChem 2023, e202200167. (†: equal contribution) (Impact factor: 3.7)
“Redox-Transition from Irreversible to reversible Vitamin C by Pore Confinement in Microporous Carbon Network.”
Choi, S.; Park, A.; Seo, D.; Lee, W. B.; Nam, K. M.*; Kim, Y. J.*; Chang, J.*
🔗 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2022, 14, 36557-36569. (Impact factor: 9.5)
“Unified Electrochemical Synthetic Strategy for [2+2+2] Cyclotrimerizations: Selective Construction of 1,3,5- and 1,2,4-Trisubstituted Benzenes from Ni(I)-Mediated Reduction of Alkynes.”
Arepally, S.; Nandhakumar, P.; Gonzalez-M, G. A.; Dzhaparova, A.; Kim, G.; Ma, A.; Nam, K. M.; Yang, H.*; Cheong, P. H.-Y.*; Park, J. K.*
🔗 ACS Catal. 2022, 12, 6874-6886. (Impact factor: 12.9)
“Chemical and Electrochemical Synthesis of Cobalt Hydroxides: Selective Phase Transformation and Application to Distinct Electrocatalytic Reaction.”
Park, J. Y.†; Kim, H. Y.†; Kim, Y.-I.; Jo, S. Y.; Abbas, S. A.; Seo, D.; Ma, A.; Nam, K. M.*
🔗 J. Mater. Chem. A 2022, 10, 12047-12054. (†: equal contribution) (Impact factor: 11.9)
“Heterointerface effect on two-step nucleation mechanism of Bi particles.”
Kim, H. J.; Kim, J. H.; Jeong, J. S.; Moon, C. Y.; Nahm, S.; Nam, K. M.; Park, J.; Kim, Y. H.*
🔗 Nano Lett. 2022, 22, 3252-3259. (Impact factor: 10.8)
“Heteroatom-doped nanomaterials/core–shell nanostructure based electrocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction.”
Nagappan S.; Duraivel M.; Hira, S. A.; Prabakar, K.; Ha, C.-S.; Joo, S. H.; Nam, K. M. and Park, K. H.*
🔗 J. Mater. Chem. A 2022, 10, 987. (Impact factor: 11.9)
“Electrochemical generation of mesopores and residual oxygen for the enhanced activity of silver electrocatalysts.”
Mohanty, S. K.; Kim, S. J.; Kim, J. S.; Lim, Y. J.; Kim, S.; Yan, M.; Park, Y.; Jeong, J.; Ihm, K.; Cho, S. K.; Park, K. H.; Shin, H. C.; Lee, H.*; Nam, K. M.*; Yoo, H. D.*
🔗 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2021, 12, 5748-5757. (Impact factor: 5.7)
“Photodeposition of Pt Nanoparticles on Co3O4 Nanocubes for Detection of Acetone at Part-Per-Billion Levels.”
Ma, A.; Baek, S. Y.; Seo, J. H.; Abbas, S. A.; Kwon, J.-H.; Ahn, S. J.; Nam, K. M.*
🔗 ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2021, 4, 2752-2759. (Impact factor: 5.9)
“Continuously thermal conductive pathway of bidisperse boron nitride fillers in epoxy composite for highly efficient heat dissipation.”
Kim, J. M.; Jun, D.-W.; Kim, L. S.; Kim, M.; Jeong, S.; Lee, S.; Chang, S.-J.; Cho, J. Y.; Kim, S. H.; Park, J. Y.; Choi, K.; Yi, G.-R. *; Nam, K. M.*; Lee, G.*
🔗 Mater. Today Commun. 2021, 27, 102230. (Impact factor: 3.8)
“Synthesis of Fe3C@C Core−shell Catalysts with Controlled Shell Composition for Robust Oxygen Evolution Reaction.”
Abbas, S. A.; Ma, A.; Seo, D.; Jung, H.; Lim, Y. J.; Mehmood, A.; Nam, K. M.*
🔗 Appl. Surf. Sci. 2021, 551, 149445. (Impact factor: 6.7)
“A New Synthetic Approach to Cobalt Oxides: Designed Phase Transformation for Electrochemical Water Splitting.”
Jung, H.; Ma, A.; Abbas, S. A.; Kim, H. Y.; Choe, H. R.; Jo, S. Y.; Nam, K. M.*
🔗 Chem. Eng. J. 2021, 415, 127958. (Impact factor: 15.1)
“Accelerated decomposition of Bi2S3 nanorods in water under an electron beam: a liquid phase transmission electron microscopy study.”
Kim, S. Y.; Kim, J. H.; Jeong, T.; Kim, K. B.; Kim, H. J.; Nam, K. M.; Ahn, S. J.; Kwon, J. H.; Kim, Y. H.*
🔗 Nanotechnology 2021, 32, 195702. (Impact factor: 3.5)
“Electrochemical and photoelectrochemical oxygen evolution reactions by Group X hetero-metal oxides.”
Balamurugan, C.; Jo, H.; Yoo, D.; Cho, J.; Nam, K. M.; Seo, J.*
🔗 Appl. Surf. Sci. 2021, 541, 148523. (Impact factor: 6.7)
“Understanding and improving photocatalytic activity of Pd-loaded BiVO4 microspheres: Application to visible light induced Suzuki–Miyaura coupling reaction.”
Choe, H. R.; Han, S. S.; Kim, Y.-I.; Hong, C.; Cho, E. J.*; Nam, K. M.*
🔗 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 13, 1714-1722. (Impact factor: 9.5)
“Synthesis of Nickel Single-Atom Catalyst Based on Ni-N4-xCx Active Sites for Highly Efficient CO2 Reduction Utilizing Gas Diffusion Electrode.”
Abbas, S. A.†; Song, J. T.†; Tan, Y. C.; Nam, K. M.; Oh, J.; Jung, K.-D.*
🔗 ACS Appl. Energ. Mater. 2020, 3, 8739-8745. (†: equal contribution) (Impact factor: 6.4)
“Comprehensive study of growth mechanism and photoelectrochemical activity of BiVO4/Bi2S3 nanowire composite.”
Hong, C.; Kim, Y.-I.; Seo, J. H.; Kim, J. H.; Ma, A.; Lim, Y. J.; Seo, D.; Baek, S. Y.; Nam, K. M.*
🔗 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 12, 39713-39719. (Impact factor: 9.5)
“Phase Transition of Non-equilibrium Wurtzite CoO: Spontaneous Deposition of Sensing Material for Ultrasensitive Detection of Acetone.”
Ma, A.; Park, H. J.; Seo, J. H.; Jang, K. Y.; Lee, H. K.; Kim, D. Y.; Lee, J. E.; Nam, K. M.*; Lee, D.-S.*
🔗 Sens. Actuator B-Chem 2020, 308, 127698. (Impact factor: 8.4)
“Current Research on Single-Entity Electrochemistry for Soft Nanoparticle Detection: Introduction to Detection Methods and Applications.”
Nguyen, T. H. T.; Lee, J.; Kim, H.-Y.; Nam, K. M.; Kim, B.-K.*
🔗 Biosens. Bioelectron. 2020, 151, 111999. (Impact factor: 12.6)
“Multilayered fluorine doped SnO2 inverse opal/WO3/BiVO4 film for solar water oxidation: systematic development and defined role of each layer.”
Yun, G.; Arunachalam, M.; Ahn, K.-S.; Nam, K. M.; Ha, J.-S.; Kang, S. H.*
🔗 J. Electrochem. Soc. 2019, 166, H750-H763. (Impact factor: 3.9)
“Palladium-loaded core-shell nanospindle as potential alternative electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reaction.”
Yusuf, M.; Nallal, M.; Nam, K. M.; Song, S.; Park, S.; Park, K. H.*
🔗 Electrochim. Acta 2019, 325, 134938. (Impact factor: 6.6)
“Understanding and improving photoelectrochemical performance of Bi2O3/Bi2S3 composite.”
Kim, J. H.; Lim, T.; Park, J. Y.; Ma, A.; Jung, H.; Kim, H. Y.; Cho, S. K.*; Yoon, H.*; Nam, K. M.*
🔗 New J. Chem. 2019, 30, 11893-11902. (Impact factor: 3.3)
“Novel Route from a Wurtzite to a Rock-Salt Structure in CoO Nanocrystals: In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy Study.”
Jang, K. Y.; Ahn, S. J.; Kwon, J.-H.; Nam, K. M.*; Kim, Y. H.*
🔗 J. Phys. Chem. C 2019, 123, 10689-10694. (Impact factor: 3.7)
“Facile Synthesis of BiVO4 for Visible-Light-Induced C-C Bond Cleavage of Alkenes to Generate Carbonyls.”
Han, S. S.; Park, J. Y.; Hwang, H. S.; Choe, H. R.; Nam, K. M.*; Cho, E. J.*
🔗 ChemSusChem. 2019, 12, 3018-3022. (Impact factor: 8.4)
“Photoelectrochemical response of Au-decorated CuBi2O4 photocathode in bicarbonate solution.”
Lee, W.-H.; Kang, J.; Park, H. S.; Nam, K. M.*; Cho, S. K.*
🔗 J. Electroanal. Chem. 2019, 838, 172-177. (Impact factor: 4.5)
“Solution-processable thermally conductive polymer composite adhesives of benzyl-alcohol-modified boron nitride two-dimensional nanoplates.”
Jung, D.-W.; Kim, J. M.; Yoon, H.-W.; Nam, K. M.; Kwon, Y.-E.; Jeong, S.; Baek, Y. H.; choi, Y. S.; Chang, S.-J.; Yi, G.-R.*; Cho, J. Y.*; Lee, G.*
🔗 Chem. Eng. J. 2019, 361, 783-791. (Impact factor: 15.1)
“Composition Effect of Alloy Semiconductors on Pt-tipped Zn1-xCdxSe Nanorods for Enhanced Photocatalytic Hydrogen Generation.”
Choi, J. Y.; Nam, K. M.*; Song, H.*
🔗 J. Mater. Chem. A 2018, 6, 16316-16321. (Impact factor: 11.9)
“Effective formation of WO3 nanoparticle/Bi2S3 nanowire composite for improved photoelectrochemical performance.”
Park, M.; Seo, J. H.; Kim, J. H.; Park, G.; Park, J. Y.; Seo, W. S.*; Song, H.*; Nam, K. M.*
🔗 J. Phys. Chem. C 2018, 122, 17676-17685. (Impact factor: 3.7)
“Ultrasonic-assisted Preparation of a Pinhole-free BiVO4 Photoanode for Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Water Oxidation.”
Park, G.†; Park, J. Y.†; Seo, J. H.; Oh, K. H.; Ma, A.; Nam, K. M.*
🔗 Chem. Commun. 2018, 54, 5570-5573. (†: equal contribution) (Impact factor: 4.9)
“Direct photoelectrochemical characterization of photocatalytic H, N doped TiO2 powder suspensions.”
Lee, H. C.; Park, H. S.; Cho, S. K.; Nam, K. M.; Bard, A. J.*
🔗 J. Electroanal. Chem. 2018, 819, 38-45. (Impact factor: 4.5)
“Metal-CdSe double shell hollow nanocubes via sequential nanoscale reactions and their photocatalytic hydrogen evolution.”
Choi, W.; Park, G.; Bae, K.-L.; Choi, J. Y.; Seo, W. S.*; Nam, K. M.*; Song, H.*
🔗 Top. Catal. 2018, 61, 965-976. (Impact factor: 3.6)
“Highly stable mesoporous silica nanospheres embedded with FeCo/graphitic shell nanocrystals as magnetically recyclable multi functional adsorbents for wastewater treatment.”
Hong, Y.; Kim, D. J.; Choi, I. A.; Pal, M.; Lee, G.*; Nam, K. M.*; Seo, W. S.*
🔗 RSC Adv. 2018, 8, 1089-1097. (Impact factor: 3.9)
“Synthesis of hollow iron oxide nanospheres and their application to gas sensors.”
Oh, K. H.; Park, H. J.; Kang, S. W.; Park, J. C.; Nam, K. M.*
🔗 J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 2018, 18, 1356-1360. (Impact factor: 1.134 (2019))
“Colloidal zinc oxide-copper(I) oxide nanocatalysts for selective aqueous photocatalytic carbon dioxide conversion into methane.”
Bae, K.-L.; Kim, J.; Lim, C. K.; Nam, K. M.*; Song, H.*
🔗 Nature Commun. 2017, 8, 1156. (Impact factor: 16.6)
“Engineering reaction kinetics by tailoring the metal tips of metal-semiconductor nanodumbbells.”
Choi, J. Y.; Jeong, D.; Lee, S. J.; Kang, D.-G.; Kim, S. K.*; Nam, K. M.*; Song, H.*
🔗 Nano Lett. 2017, 17, 5688-5694. (Impact factor: 10.8)
“Sonochemical Synthesis of ZnO-ZnS Core-shell Nanorods for Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Water Oxidation.”
Cheon, S. Y.; Yoon, J.-S.; Oh, K. H.; Jang, K. Y.; Seo, J. H.; Park, J. Y.; Choi, S.-I.; Seo, W. S.*; Lee, G. *; Nam, K. M.*
🔗 J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 2017, 100, 3825-3834. Selected as Cover image. (Impact factor: 3.9)
“Visible Light Photoelectrochemical Properties of PbCrO4, Pb2CrO5 and Pb5CrO8.”
Lee, H. C.; Cho, S. K.; Park, H. S.; Nam, K. M.; Bard, A. J.*
🔗 J. Phys. Chem. C 2017, 17561-17568. (Impact factor: 3.7)
"Shape-Controlled Pt Nanocubes Directly Grown on Carbon Supports and Their Electrocatalytic Activity toward Methanol Oxidation."
Kim, H. J.; Kang, M. S.; Lim, S. B.; Choi, R.; Nam, K. M.; Seo, W. S.*; Lee, G.* and Choi, S.-I.*
🔗 Sci. Bull. 2017, 62, 943-949. (Impact factor: 18.9)
“Spontaneous Phase Transition of Hexagonal Wurtzite CoO: Application to Electrochemical and Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting.”
Jang, K. Y.; Park, G.; Oh, K. H.; Seo, J. H.; Nam, K. M.*
🔗 Chem. Commun. 2017, 53, 4120-4123. (Impact factor: 4.9)
“A self-assembled Ni(cyclam)-BTC network on ITO for oxygen evolution catalyst in alkaline solution.”
Leem, Y. J.; Cho, K.; Oh, K. H.; Han,S.-H.; Nam, K. M.*; Chang, J.*
🔗 Chem. Commun. 2017, 53, 3454-3457. (Impact factor: 4.9)
“Robust iron-carbide nanoparticles supported on alumina for sustainable production of gasoline-range hydrocarbons.”
Jang, S.; Kang, S. W.; Chu, D. H.; Lee,H.-T.; Yang, J.-I.; Jung, H.; Jeong, H.-D.; Nam, K. M.*; Park,J. C.*
🔗 New J. Chem. 2017, 41, 2756-2763. (Impact factor: 3.3)
“Non-native Transition Metal Monoxide Nanostructures: Unique Physicochemical Properties and Phase Transformations of CoO, MnO, and ZnO.”
Nam, K. M.*; Seo, W. S.*; Song, H.*; Park, J. T.*
🔗 NPG Asia Mater. 2017, 9, e364. (Impact factor: 9.7)
“Facile Synthesis of High Crystalline ZnO Nanorods with Controlled Aspect Ratios and Their Optical Properties.”
Ruqia, B.; Nam, K. M.; Lee, H.; Lee, G.*; Choi, S.-I.*
🔗 CrystEngComm 2017, 19, 1454-1458. (Impact factor: 3.1)
“Analysis of Charge Separation Processes in WO3-BiVO4 Composite for Efficient Photoelectrochemical Water Oxidation.”
Seo, J. H.; Park, G.; Oh, K. H.; Kang, S. H.; Lee, H. C.; Cho, S.K.*; Nam, K. M.*
🔗 J. Electroanal. Chem. 2017, 789, 17-23. (Impact factor: 4.5)
“Preparation and Electrochemical Characterization of Carbonaceous Thin Layer.”
Oh, K. H.; Lee,J.; Park, M.; Song, H.; Chang, J.*; Nam, K. M.*
🔗 Electroanalysis 2017, 29, 1062-1068. (Impact factor: 3.0)
“Metal-Semiconductor Double Shell Hollow Nanocubes for Highly Stable Hydrogen Generation Photocatalysts.”
Choi, W.; Park, G.; Bae, K.-L.; Choi, J. Y.;Nam, K. M.*; Song, H.*
🔗 J. Mater. Chem. A 2016, 4, 13414-13418. (Impact factor: 11.9)
“Efficient Photoelectrochemical Water Oxidation by Metal-doped Bismuth Vanadate Photoanode with Iron Oxyhydroxide Electrocatalyst.”
Joo, E. J.; Park, G.; Gwak, J. S.; Seo, J. H.; Jang, K. Y.; Oh, K. H.; Nam, K. M.*
🔗 J. Nanomater. 2016, 2016, 1-7. (Impact factor: 3.791 (2021))
“Enhanced Visible Light Activity of Single-Crystalline WO3 Microplates for Photoelectrochemical Water Oxidation.”
Park, M.; Seo, J. H.; Song, H.*; Nam, K. M.*
🔗 J. Phys. Chem. C 2016, 120, 9192-9199. (Impact factor: 3.7)
“Sustainable Method for the Large-Scale Preparation of Fe3O4 Nanocrystals.”
Lee, S.; Yoon, J.-S.;Kang, S.; Kwon, K.; Chang, K. S.; Lee, S.; Choi, S.-I.; Jeong, J.-R.*; Lee, G.*; Nam, K. M.*
🔗 J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 2016, 99,2578-2584. (Impact factor: 3.9)
“Controlled Synthesis of Hollow Manganese Oxide Nanocrystals.”
Nam, K. M.*; Oh, K. H.; Ham, K.-S.
🔗 J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 2016, 1863-1866. (Impact factor: 1.134 (2019))
2014 - 2015
“Improved Photoelectrochemical Water Oxidation by WO3/CuWO4 Composite with Manganese Phosphate Electrocatalyst.”
Nam, K. M.*; Cheon, E. A. ; Shin, W. J.; Bard, A. J.*
🔗 Langmuir 2015, 10897-10903. (Impact factor: 3.9)
“Chemical Approach to a New Crystal Structure: Phase Control of Manganese Oxide on a Carbon Sphere Template.”
Nam, K. M.*; Park, J. T.
🔗 Chem. -Asian J. 2014, 3525-3532. (Impact factor: 4.1)
Publications from MS, Ph.D, and Postdoc
“Metal Doping of BiVO4 by Composite Electrodeposition with Improved Photoelectrochemical Water Oxidation.”
Cho, S. K.; Park, H. S.; Lee, H. C.; Nam, K. M.; Bard, A. J.*
🔗 J. Phys. Chem. C 2013, 23048-23056. (Impact factor: 3.7)
“Compositional Screening of the Pb-Bi-Mo-O System. Spontaneous Formation of a Composite of p-PbMoO4 and n-Bi2O3 with Improved Photoelectrochemical Efficiency and Stability.”
Nam, K. M.; Park, H. S.; Lee, H. C.; Meekins, B. H.; Bard, A. J.*
🔗 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2013, 2707-2710. (Impact factor: 5.7)
“ZnWO4/WO3 Composite for Improving Photoelectrochemical Water Oxidation.”
Leonard, K. C.; Nam, K. M.; Lee, H. C.; Park, H. S.; Kang, S. H.; Bard, A. J.*
🔗 J. Phys. Chem. C 2013,15901-15910. (Impact factor: 3.7)
“Designed Synthesis of Well-Defined Pd@Pt Core-Shell Nanoparticles with Controlled Shell Thickness as Efficient Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalysts.”
Choi, R.; Choi, S.-I.; Choi, C. H.; Nam, K. M.; Woo, S. I.; Han, S. W.; Park, J. T.*
🔗 Chem. -Eur. J. 2013, 19, 8190-8198. (Impact factor: 4.3)
“Composition-Controlled PtCo Alloy Nanocubes with Tuned Electrocatalytic Activity for Oxygen Reduction.”
Choi, S.-I.; Kim, W. Y.; Lee, S.-U.; Choi, R.; Hong, K.; Nam, K. M.; Han, S. W.; Park, J. T.*
🔗 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2012, 4,6228-6234. (Impact factor: 9.5)
“Comprehensive design of carbon-encapsulated Fe3O4 nanocrystals and their lithium storage property.”
Song, K. S.; Lee, Y.; Jo, M. R.; Nam,K. M.; Kang, Y.-M.*
🔗 Nanotechnology 2012, 23, 505401. (Impact factor: 3.5)
“Hollow Sn-SnO2 nanocrystal/graphite composites and its lithium storage property.”
Lee, Y.; Jo, M. R.; Song, K. S.; Nam,K. M.; Park, J. T.; Kang, Y.-M.*
🔗 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2012, 4, 3450-3464. (Impact factor: 9.5)
“New crystal structure: synthesis and characterization of hexagonal wurtzite MnO.”
Nam,K. M.; Kim, Y.-I.; Jo, Y.; Lee, S. M.; Kim, B. G.; Choi, R.; Choi,S.-I.; Song, H.; Park, J. T.*
🔗 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134,8392-8395. (Impact factor: 15.0)
“[100] directed Cu-doped h-CoO nanorod: elucidation of growth mechanism and application to lithium-ion batteries.”
Nam,K. M.; Choi, Y. C.; Kim, K. H.; Kim, Y.-I.; Jo, M. R.; Kang, Y.-M.;Han, Y.-K.; Park, J. T.*
🔗 Nanoscale 2012, 4, 473-477. (Impact factor: 6.7)
“Phosphidation of Li4Ti5O12 nanoparticles and their electrochemical and biocompatible superiority for lithium-ion batteries.”
Jo, M. R.†; Nam, K. M.†; Lee, Y. M.; Song, K. S.; Park, J. T.; Kang, Y.-M.*
🔗 Chem. Commun. 2011, 47, 11474-11476. (†: equal contribution) (Impact factor: 4.9)
“The Role of Water for Phase-Selective Preparation of Hexagonal and Cubic Cobalt Oxide Nanoparticles.”
Shim, J. H.; Nam, K. M.; Seo, W. S.;Song, H.; Park, J. T.*
🔗 Chem. -Asian J. 2011, 6, 1575-1581. (Impact factor: 4.1)
“Syntheses and characterization of wurtzite CoO, rocksalt CoO, and spinel Co3O4 nanocrystals: their inter conversion and tuning of phase and morphology.”
Nam, K. M.; Shim, J. H.; Han, D.-W.; Kwon, H. S.; Kang, Y.-M.; Li, Y.; Song, H.; Park, J. T.*
🔗 Chem. Mater. 2010, 22, 4446-4454. (Impact factor: 8.6)
“Monodisperse Pt and PtRu/C60 hybrid nanoparticles for fuel cell anode catalysts.”
Lee, G.; Shim, J. H.; Kang, H.; Nam, K. M.; Song, H. Park, J. T.*
🔗 Chem. Commun. 2009, 5036-5038. (Impact factor: 4.9)
“Single-crystalline hollow face-centered-cubic cobalt nanoparticles from solid face-centered-cubic cobalt oxide nanoparticles.”
Nam, K. M.; Shim, J. H.; Ki, H.; Choi, S.-I.; Lee, G.; Jang, J.; Jo, Y.;Jung, M.-H.; Song, H.; Park, J. T.*
🔗 Angew. Chem. -Int. Edit. 2008, 47, 9504-9508. Selected as Hot paper (Impact factor: 16.6)
“Preparation and optical properties of colloidal monodisperse, and highly crystalline ITO nanoparticles.”
Choi, S. I.; Nam, K. M.; Park, B. K.; Seo, W. S.; Park, J. T.*
🔗 Chem. Mater. 2008, 20, 2609-2611. (Impact factor: 8.6)
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